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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week45 (March 4-10 2023)

Informal Writing

Part1: Video
format: (v.) to edit and put into a specific format or structure
blunt: (adj.) straight and forward; in a serious tone
feel off: (v.) feel weird; like there is something wrong that is hard to pinpoint
(deep) down in (one’s) heart: (phrase) unconsciously or at an emotional level
inflection: (n.) intonation; emphasis in speech
typographical: (adj.) related to typography; formatting of words such as font and use of capital letters
squiggly: (adj.) not straight; like drawn by hand
whimsy: (adj.) informal tone; silly; shows a peculiar personality or style
fingerprint: (n.) (in this case) one’s unique style.

Part2: Article
syntax: (n.) the study of the function of words in a sentence
part A, part B: (phrase) something is partially A and also B
(something) 101: (phrase) teaching the basics of something
monolithic: (adj.) unchanging, unmovable
capitalization: (n.) the act of using capital letters when writing
sign off: (v.) write the final greetings of a message
straddle the line between A and B: (phrase) be unclear which one it is
dash off: (v.) hastily and quickly write something
sweat: (v.) (informal) be worried about
~ology: (n.) the study of (something) - in this case memes
feel the sting of: (phrase) feel the pain of; (in this case) feel how cold it is (icy)
millennial: (n.) the generation born between early 80’s and late 90’s
cognizant: (adj.) be aware of.
