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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week41 (February 1-7 2023)

This week's theme is: Dopamine Fasting

Part1: Video
slacking off: (n.) not doing one’s tasks; procrastinating
get (one’s) life back together: (phrase) solve the issues that are currently affecting one’s life negatively
dopamine: (n.) a neurotransmitter in the brain associated with motivation and pleasure
rewarding: (adj.) something that makes one feel like their efforts were worth it
starve: (n.) not feed a person or animal intentionally
behaviour: (n.) actions and habits of a person
stimulation: (n.) something that provokes a response (usually positive)
fundamentally flawed: (phrase) the basic idea of something is wrong.

Part2: Video
habitual: (adj.) is a habit; happens frequently.
