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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week33 (December 1-7 2024)

Topic: Meeting Skills -Q&A

Part 1: The Role of Q&A
1. Improve internal communication
2. Allow for more transparency
3. Encourage diversity of thought

asynchronous: (adj.) not existing or occurring at the same time
keep (someone) in the loop: (v.) keep someone informed or updated
morale: (n.) the motivation and satisfaction felt by a person or group
foster: (v.) encourage the development of something
advocate: (v.) publicly recommend or support.

Part 2: Inviting Questions
In the , a market researcher is presenting the results of a customer survey she was hired to perform. Here, she comes to the end of her presentation and invites questions from the attendees. Watch and take note of the language used and the flow of the proceedings.

Part 3: Roleplay
You are attending a team meeting. Your manager (played by the teacher) has just explained each department’s responsibilities for the launch of a new product, and wishes to invite questions.
