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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week21 (September 3-9 2024)

Topic: Meeting Skills - Pitching

Part1: Pitch Flow
1. Introduction
2. Present the problem
3. Present your solution
4. Add a call to action

Part2: Video
equity: (n.) represents an amount of ownership in a business
profit margin: (n.) the amount by which revenue from sales exceed costs
stabilise: (v.) make something steady and unlikely to fall
don’t you dare: (phrase) used to strongly warn someone against doing something
goodness: (exclamation) expresses surprise, anger, etc.

Part 3: Pitch your product!
After the teacher gives you a product idea (or you can come up with your own), use what we covered in parts 1 and 2 to form a short pitch aimed at investors.
