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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week18 (August 8-14 2024)

Topic: Workplace Safety

Warmup: Brainstorm
What risks and dangers (big or small) do you face in your workplace? Can you imagine any workplace dangers in other jobs?

Part 1: The Basic
hazard: (n.) a danger or risk
fire-retardant: (adj.) having the ability to slow or stop fire
debris: (n.) scattered pieces of rubbish or remain
ergonomic: (adj.) designed for efficiency and comfort in the working environment
(body part) strain: (n.) tension or tiredness after overuse of a body part
paramount: (adj.) of the highest importance.

Part2: Video
spring to mind: (v.) (of a thought or idea) come quickly into your mind
multitude: (n.) a large number of people or things
tame: (adj.) not exciting or dangerous
immune: (adj.) protected or not affected by something
cord/cable: (n.) a bundle of wires protected by a covering
obscure: (v.) keep from being seen.
