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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week17 (August 1-7 2024)

Case study - Private Vs. Public Companies

Part 1: Video
The Difference Between Public and Private Companies

share: (n.) part of a company that can be divided and owned by shareholders
exchange: (n.) an institution used for the trading of a particular thing
shareholder: (n.) an owner of shares in a company
disclose: (v.) make hidden information known
beholden: (adj.) obligated to do something for someone else
initial public offering (IPO): (n.) offering company shares to the public for the first time
private equity firm: (n.) a company that raises money to buy companies and then sell them for a profit
buyout: (n.) the purchase of enough shares to get control of a company

Part 2: Reading
Why did Dell Go Private?

