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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week16 (July 25-31 2024)

Introduction: What is Employee Onboarding?
Employee onboarding is a process that encompasses everything required when new employees start work. It includes completing paperwork, setting up workstations and computer access, communicating role expectations and making social introductions they need to succeed with a new company.

encompass: (v.) include or hold within
acclimate: (v.) get used to a new environment
orientation: (n.) a course giving information to newcomers to an institution
comprehensive: (adj.) complete and including everything that is necessary.

Part 1: Video -Good Vs. Bad Onboarding
sink or swim: (phrase) fail or succeed entirely by one’s own efforts
mad scramble: a hurried and chaotic effort to do something
to stick (something) out: (v.) continue doing something difficult without giving up.

Part 2: Discussion
Numerous benefits come with ensuring your organization has a thorough and effective onboarding process.
