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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week47 (March 18-24 2024)

Topic: Repeated buying

Necessitates - To make something essential or necessary.
Drawbacks - Disadvantages or negative aspects of something.
Value proposition - A statement outlining the benefits a product or service offers to customers.
Acquisition - The act of getting or obtaining something.
Retention - The ability to keep something or someone.
Mindful - Aware of something and giving careful consideration to it.
Marketing strategies - Plans of action used to promote a product or service.
Justifies - To provide a reason or explanation for something.
Gateway - A device or software that connects different networks or systems.
Revenue stream - The way a business generates income.
Upfront - Happening or done at the beginning.
Unintentional - Not done on purpose.
Allure - The quality of being attractive or fascinating.
Endeavors - Attempts or efforts to achieve something.
