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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Skills上級 Week36 (December 22-28 2023)

Topic: Data Brokers

Part1: Reading

sole proprietor (business): (adj.) business run by only one person
search terms: (n.) the words and sentences put into a search engine such as Google or Yahoo
third party: (n.) a person or group besides the two primarily involved in a situation; (in this case) a company other than the data collector.

Discussion question: Are you bothered by your data being collected or do you enjoy targeted ads? Do you take any measures to protect your data?

Part2: Video
dataset: (n.) a structured collection of data
encrypted: (adj.) information that has been converted into a code to keep it private or secure, unreadable without the correct key
vulnerable: (adj.) weak to harm or attacks, in a state lacking defence
follow up with (someone): (v.) continue or pursue a matter, discussion, or activity that was previously initiated.

Discussion Questions:
- Today’s video proves that data protection is often dependent on the goodwill of those who hold that information, which is alarming. Discuss.
- Should we try to revert the situation somehow so that such data is never collected again?
- What can people do at the individual level to avoid ill-intended usage of their data?
