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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week43 (February 15-21 2023)

This week's topic is: Networking

Part1: Video
indispensable: (adj.) essential, critical
referral: (n.) recommending someone for something
break the ice: get past the initial awkward phase of a social interaction
empathetically: (adv.) in a way that shows understanding of the emotions or feelings of others / feeling oneself: feel comfortable or normal
aspiring: (adj.) directing one’s hopes or ambitions towards becoming a specific type of person
pay (something) forward: do a good or generous deed for others, especially in response to receiving generosity yourself

Part2: Brainstorm
What tips would you give someone who is attending their first business convention to maximise the benefits of networking?

Part 3: Roleplay
You are attending a convention for your industry. You are aiming to find out about new people at the event in hopes of developing new business partnerships and finding new customers.
