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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Business Week39 (January 18-24 2023)

This week's topic is: Following Up

Part 1: Why we follow-up
A follow-up email is an email to a recipient you've already contacted once before. If your email has ever been ignored, a follow-up email can help get your conversation back on track. The purpose of a follow-up email is to act as a reminder or prompt for a previous email you've sent. 

recipient: (n.) the person who receives something (e.g. an email or letter)
reinvigorate (v.) give new energy or strength to something
short and sweet: (phrase.) pleasantly concise and to the point

Part 2: Writing a follow-up email
You sent an email several weeks ago but you have not received a reply. Write an email again and try to get a response. 

Part 3: Roleplay


