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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week39 (January 18-24 2023)

This week's topic is: The Horror!
 -Scary stories from Japan

[Word definitions]
horrific (adj.): very scary or shocking
chilling (adj.): scary
supernatural (n./adj.): (things that) cannot be explained by science
frustration (n.): anger or annoyance felt when one is unable to succeed at / do something
vengeful (adj.): wanting revenge
eerie (adj.): strange, mysterious, and scary
ordeal (n.): an unpleasant experience (especially when it feels long and painful/scary)
dabble in (v.): do it only lightly/casually
curse (n.): a negative supernatural effect (often caused by someone who has died)
paranormal activity (n.): similar to ‘supernatural’, but often when talking about ghosts and spirits
underlying (adj.): existing as a base or in an unseen way
creepy (adj.): making people feel scared or psychologically uncomfortable
the former (n.): the first of the two (opposite: the latter)

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