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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week29 (November 3-9 2021)

This week's topic is: Tempura

delicacy (n.): highly-desired, flavourful food
(social) tact and consideration
simmer(v.): gently cook in liquid without boiling
take hold: (v.): begin having an effect
batter (n.): flour-based liquid, for frying or for making into food (pancakes, cake, etc.)
(be) derived from: having its origins/roots there
fasting (v.): not eating (some kinds of) food for some time, usually for religious reasons
(bean) pod (n.): the long, soft part of a plant that contains beans
diversify (v.): become more varied
fish cake (n.): food made by cooking fish paste (usually derived from white fish)
broth (n.): soup base made with vegetables and maybe meat/fish

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