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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week33 (December 1-7 2021)

This week's topic is: Different kinds of Japanese cakes

has nothing to do with: is completely unrelated to, has no connection to
savoury (adj.): with a salty or non-sweet flavour (opposite of sweet)
have [one’s] share of: have enough/a fair amount of something
mallet (n.): a wooden hammer
binding agent (n.): an ingredient that keeps other ingredients together
features heavily (v.): often appears in
aforementioned (adj.): mentioned above/earlier
misnomer (n.): an incorrectly given name
infamous (adj.): famous for something bad/negative
bland (a.): not have much flavour
consistency (n.): density or thickness
reconstitute (v.): restore to its original consistency by adding water or other liquid.

Introducing Japan一覧