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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week47 (March 18-24 2024)

Topic: Numbers in Japan
 -somehow count more than elsewhere

Word definitions
(the) so-called: people call it/them that (even if it’s not accurate/true)
assign (to) (v.): give someone/something a title, task, meaning, role, etc.
mythology (n.): stories and legends of a culture, often related to gods
connotation (n.): a feeling or idea that is suggested by a word
virtue (n.): a positive human quality, an aspect of good behaviour
apostle (n.): a person with a key role in spreading a religion (usually Christianity)
on the other hand: differently from the one before
auspicious (adj.): related to good luck or future success
suffering (n.): continued physical or mental pain
superstition (n.): belief in the supernatural not necessarily based on truth or facts
conversely (adv.): in the opposite way
leave it to (v.): give responsibility/depend on someone to do something
by the numbers: closely/carefully following the rules

Introducing Japan一覧