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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week38 (January 11-17 2023)

This week's theme is: Origami
 - Skills in creasing

[Word definitions]
take (n.) to another level: improve or increase something even more
as (adj.) as it gets: the most (adj.) possible
ideally (adv.): the best possible way; as long as it is possible
crease (n.): a line on a surface created by folding, pressing, etc.
get the hang of: become able to do something well (through practice)
pastime (n.): a hobby or other activity regularly done in one’s free time
elongated (adj.): being longer than it is wide; longer than normal
hexagon (n.): a shape with six corners
by far: by a big amount; having/being much more than others
radiation (n.): energy waves (especially when connected to nuclear materials)
high-profile (adj.): well known, attracting a lot of public attention
civilian (adj.): not related to the military, police, government organizations etc.

Introducing Japan一覧