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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week6 (May 11-17 2023)

This week't topic is: Stamps
 -to seal a deal

ubiquitous (adj.): present or found everywhere
pilgrimage (n.): a journey to a holy or sacred place, often undertaken for religious reasons
in place of (phrase): instead of; as a substitute for
calligraphic (adj.): with artistic handwriting
dedicated (adj.): used only for a particular purpose
commemorative (adj.): intended to honor or remember an important person or event
sacred (adj.): considered to be holy and deserving respect
bestow (v.): to give something as a gift or as an honour (formal)
conversely (adv.): introducing a statement that reverses one that has just been made
red tape (n.): excessive bureaucracy or rules that hinder or slow down a process
namely (adv.): specifically – used before listing everything related
decline (n.): decrease or reduction in number
fate is sealed (phrase): a negative outcome is certain and cannot be changed

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