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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week7 (May 18-24 2024)

Topic: Japanese Onomatopoeia
 -Wai-wai are you all so excited?

Word definitions
creak (n.): a sharp sound made by things like an old wooden door opening
thud (n.): a heavy sound made by sudden impact
howl (n.): a long cry made by an animal (often a dog or wolf)
play a … role (v.): have some part or importance in something (e.g. an important / a key / a major / a minor role / a big role)
a.k.a.: also known as (used to introduce other names or titles)
mimetic (adj.): imitating or representing something like a sound, movement, etc.
as a rule of thumb: in most cases, generally speaking (but maybe with some exceptions)
brief (adj.): short (in duration)
equivalent (n.): a thing that has the same or similar meaning, effect, or value as something else
audible (adj.): can be heard
rumbling (n.): a deep, continuous sound (like thunder or an earthquake)
delighted (adj.): very pleased or happy
worn-out (adj.): having become damaged or lost quality due to overuse
overlap (n.): two or more things being part of the same thing/having the same qualities
irritable (adj.): easily angered
timidly (adv.): in a shy or hesitant way
dimly lit (adj.): having a low level of light (like a dark bar)
a lot to take in: a lot of information to absorb or something difficult to deal with emotionally

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