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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week10 (June 10-16 2023)

Topic: Kanzashi & Netsuke
 -Below the belt and getting in your hair

[Word definition]
toggle (n.): a small item used to hold something in place (e.g. on duffle coats
ward off (v.): keep something bad awa
spark (v.): make something star
lavishly (adv.): richly, luxuriousl
reenactor (n.): someone helping ‘recreate’ a historical event/period by actin
tortoise shell (n.): the hard shell on the back of a tortoise (a ‘land turtle’
sheathe (v.): put a sword in its long container (known as a sheath or scabbard
two-pronged (adj.): splitting into two long, pointy bit
sought-after (adj.): many people trying to find/get it

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