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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week33 (December 1-7 2022)

This week's topic is: Still Salty?
 -A look at the salty side of Japanese food

Word definitions
consumption (n.): the eating/drinking/use of a substance (e.g. food, gasoline, battery)
intake (n.): amount of something going into the body
condiment (n.): something that adds flavour to a dish (often a liquid, sometimes powder)
fermented (adj.): changed over time by bacteria and other microorganisms
as a rule of thumb: generally, in most cases
citrus (n.): juicy fruit related to oranges (lemons, mandarins, grapefruit, limes, etc.)
thickness (n.): how slow-flowing something is (e.g. honey is thick and miso soup is thin)
mould (n.): a type of fungus that often grows on food (such as on old bread)
accompaniment (n.): something that goes together with something else
immune (adj.): can’t be damaged or affected by something
pungent (adj.): with a strong and/or sharp smell/taste
taste buds (n.):  specialized nerves on the tongue that can feel taste


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