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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week43 (February 15-21 2022)

This week's topic is: Sumo

get in(to) position: go to the appropriate place for something
evident (adj.): easy to see/realize that it is true
suspended (adj.): hanging in the air (usually using ropes, hooks, magnetism, etc.)
loincloth (n.): a simple garment worn around the groin area
purify (v.): make something clean/pure
unarmed duelling (n.): an arranged fight between two people (especially one with rules)
that’s (basically) it: that’s all, there is nothing more to it
intricately (adv.): in a complicated or detailed way
bestow (v.): give a title, right, or gift (formal)

Introducing Japan一覧