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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week17 (August 1-7 2021)

This week's topic is: Beans

Some sample vocabulary/sentences from this lesson: 
staple (adj.): a main food or ingredient in a society, culture, country, etc. 
dairy products (n.): food products made from milk.
substitute (n.): a replacement of something/someone else.
(bean) pod (n.): the green “case” part of a plant containing beans or peas.
accompaniment (n.):   something that is eaten together with some other food/drink.
additive (n.):a substance added to foods or drinks to preserve or “improve” them.
soy lecithin (n.):an additive used to help liquids mix in dishes and preserve flavor.
confectionery (n.):sweets and chocolates.
respectively (adv):in that order, in the order mentioned. 
savoury (n.):non-sweet (salty, spicy etc.).

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