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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week45 (March 4-10 2025)

Topic: ‘Strange’ food in Japan
 sometimes edible, sometimes incredible

Word definitions
weird (adj.): strange, unusual
edible (adj.): can be eaten
gross (adj.): disgusting
steak tartare  (n.): raw ground beef (usually topped with raw egg yolk)
PBJ / PB&J (n.): peanut butter and jelly sandwich (a common food in the US)
be weirded out (v.): feel uncomfortable about or afraid of something strange
a deal-breaker (idiom): something that makes a suggestion or agreement unacceptable
enhance (v.): make something better or raise its level
play it safe (idiom.): avoid risks; use a safe approach
fermented (adj.): changed over time through bacterial action
bland (adj.): having no or little flavour (in a negative sense)
innards (n.): internal organs of fish or other animals
milt (n.): fish sperm sacs
fall under (v.): belong to a specific category
stargazy pie (n.): local fish pie with sardine heads sticking out of it
haggis (n.): dish made from sheep innards, oatmeal, and spices
]infamous (adj.): famous for something bad/negative

who knows? (phrase): casual expression used to express lack of knowledge or uncertainty

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