Topic: Plant Weaving in Japan
-a fiber-rich tradition
Word definitions
production line (n.): a process where many products are made step-by-step, often in factories
rigid (adj.): hard, inflexible
weave (v.): combine thin fibers or narrow material to make objects or cloth
bark (n.): the hard, outer layer of a tree
fabric of society (n.): the network of people, beliefs, culture, etc. that makes up a society
staple (adj.): main, standard, very often used
abundance (n.): availability in very large amounts
durable (adj.): able to last long or tough against damage over time
embroider (v.): decorate a fabric using needlework
textile (n.): cloth or fabric (often used as a general category, e.g. Nishijin textiles)
designate (as) (v.): give a specific function, title, or purpose to someone/something
intangible (adj.): cannot be touched, existing as an idea or concept
the takeaway (n.): the most important information or point learned from something
worthwhile (adj.): good enough to use one’s time, effort, or money
grasp at straws (idiom): make a desperate attempt to get results or save/defend oneself