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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week25 (October 1-7 2024)

Potatoes in Japan
 -going full imo

Word definitions
you bet (slang idiom): definitely, for sure
humble (adj.): simple, not luxurious; not self-important
get to the root of (idiom): find the origin, cause, or reason for something
i.m.o. (acronym): in my opinion (also seen as i.m.h.o. = in my humble opinion)
yam (n.): a type of starchy tuber (yama-imo / naga-imo)
the former / the latter (n.): the first / second one mentioned
firm (adj.): not soft; solid
millet (n.): type of grain (awa)
domain (n.): a large area controlled by a specific person or group
yield (n.): the amount produced by farming/some production process
abbreviate (v.): shorten a word or phrase ( e.g. mathematics à math(s) )    
baron (n.): a title given to specific people of power (danshaku)
naval (adj.): of or related to the navy
the meat and potatoes (idiom): the most important part of something
make ample use of (v.): use something a lot and well
simmer (v.): gently cook in liquid                   
grate (v.): make something into small shreds/bits (using a rough surface – a grater)
cultivar (n.): a cultivated variant of a plant
russet (potato) (n.): a type of (often large) potato
versatile (adj.): able to be used or adapted to many different purposes / situations       
small potatoes (idiom.): not important

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