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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week24 (September 24-30 2024)

Topic: Miyazaki
 -the prefecture, not the anime director

Word Definitions
ancestor / descendant (n.): someone who came before/after someone in a family tree
mythology (n.): stories and legends related to gods or the supernatural
deity (n.): a god/goddess (usually of a religion that has many of them)
at the core (adv.): at the center of
folklore (n.): stories that are part of a culture (usually fictional, including legends)
prehistory (n.): early human history (before 3,600BCE)
evidence (n.): things showing that something is real/true or not
current (n.): continuous movement of (often warmer/colder) water within oceans
peninsula (n.): a piece of land almost surrounded by water, or extending into a body of water
take over (v.): gain control of a city, area, country, etc.
gorge (n.): a long, narrow area with cliffs on both sides
soak (v.): stay or keep something in liquid (usually for a long time)
have (no) beef (idiom): have (no) complaints about something / with someone  


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