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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week23 (September 17-23 2024)

Topic: Animals in Japanese Culture
fawning over fauna (= adoring animals)

Word definitions
hide (n.): the skin (and maybe fur) of an animal (for making clothes, rugs, etc.)
hunter-gatherer (n.): someone who lives by hunting and gathering wild food in nature
tame (v.): make a place or animals less dangerous / more fit for humans
pest (n.): insect or other animal that is troublesome for humans
betrayal (n.): (hurtfully) breaking the trust of others
deception (n.): tricking others
fertility (n.): the ability to produce children
oversimplified (adj.): made or explained in a way that is too simple
loyalty (n.): being faithful, never betraying (see betrayal above)
a sore loser (idiom): a person who hates admitting they lost or gets angry when losing
longevity (v.): having a long life; the length of one’s life
divine (adj.): related to gods; of the gods
benevolence (n.): being good to others (kind, generous, etc.)
hoard (v.): gather and keep large amounts of something
mythological (adj.): related to old stories about gods, legends, fictional beings, etc.
perseverance (n.): continuing/not giving up even in difficult situations
thrive (v.): grow or develop well
stray (adj.): (for cats or dogs) not having an owner, living outside in the streets
purebred (adj.): being purely of a recognized breed (e.g. toy poodle), not of mixed breed
a whole different beast (idiom): something very different or challenging

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