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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week20 (August 25-31 2024)

Topic: Yamanashi
 -That’s just grape!

Word Definitions
crops (n.): plants grown for food
landlocked (adj.): surrounded by land (having no direct sea access)
province (n.): a region of a country
establish (v.): create a new town, region, country, organization, group, etc.
a.k.a.: Also Known As (used to introduce other names or titles)
alliance (n.): the linking of groups (often to make a larger one)
via (p.): through
agricultural (adj.): related to farming
powerhouse (n.): a person, group, or place with a lot of power or influence
quince (n.): a yellow, pear-shaped fruit (Japanese: karin)
mountain range (n.): a series of mountains next to one another
groundwater (n.): water found underground (or coming out of a natural spring in the ground)
cultivar (n.): a variant of a plant grown by humans (cultivated variant → cultivar)
hybrid (n.): a combination of two different things
thrilling (adj.): very exciting
dumpling (n.): a piece of dough (flour-based food), usually boiled, steamed, or simmered
savoury (adj.): not sweet (with a salty or similar main flavour)
hear … through the grapevine (idiom):  hear rumours or gossip

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