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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week19 (August 18-24 2024)

Topic: Obon

Word definitions
ancestor / descendant (n.): the people who came before/after someone in a family tree
the living / deceased (n.): the people who are alive/dead
mythology (n.): old stories and legends about gods and supernatural beings
nirvana / oneness (n.): the highest state of being in Buddhist / Taoism
appease (v.): calm someone down by doing something to please them
purify (v.): make something/someone pure
superstition (n.): a belief or practice that isn’t based on facts or reality
drown (v.): die from being unable to breathe (in water or similar liquid)
aforementioned (adj.): mentioned earlier
bonfire (n.): large outdoor fire often used for celebrations (no connection to the Japanese (O)bon – it comes from ‘bone-fire’ – a tradition of burning animal bones in ceremonies)
take the shape of (v.): appear/become realized as
bon voyage: (have) a nice trip (from French)
indeed: truly, really

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