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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week17 (August 1-7 2024)

Topic: Cold Food in Japan
 -Let’s put it on ice!

Word definitions
basin (n.): a bowl-shaped area or large container
heatstroke (n.): a serious medical condition caused by the body overheating
fight fire with fire (v.): respond to/fight against something with something similar
sweat the heat out (v.): cool down one’s body by sweating a lot
drafty (adj.): having wind blowing through it (usually somewhere indoors)
shady (adj.): providing cover against sunlight; someone/something suspicious
make … a breeze (v.): make it very easy to do
icehouse (n.): a building or room used to store ice (usually in the past)
insulated (adj.): able to stop heat/cold from going through
throughout (adv.): during the whole duration; everywhere
vaguely (adv.): in an unclear or not exact way
sieve (n.): a meshed bowl used for only letting liquids through (e.g. after boiling pasta)
chilled (adj.): made/kept cold                 
bracken (n.): a type of plant often found in places with enough humidity
cold comfort (n.): of little emotional help, not great at cheering someone/people up


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