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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week16 (July 25-31 2024)

Topic: Fukuoka
 -Home of the ‘other’ Gion Festival

Word Definitions
powerhouse (n.): someone/something with a lot of power or influence
GDP (n.): Gross Domestic Product – the economic value produced (often in a year)
archaeological evidence (n.): things that give us information about human activity in the past
thwart (v.): stop something (often plans) from happening
invasion (n.): an attack with the purpose of taking over a place
divine (adj.): related to gods
the former / the latter (n.): the first/second one mentioned
stationary (adj.): unmoving
plague (n.): a widespread, deadly illness
appease (v.): calm or please someone
deity (n.): a god (typically of a religion that has many)
R&R (n.): Rest & Relaxation or Rest & Recreation (originates from the army)
to name a few: phrase used when giving several examples from a longer list
foodie (n.): someone with a strong interest in good food
[be] a thing: something that is often or ‘normally’ done
offal (n.): edible organs and intestines of an animal
[be] anything but…: completely not like that

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