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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week15 (July 18-24 2024)

Gion Festival
 -Don’t rain on this parade!

Word definitions
rain on (one’s) parade: to spoil someone’s plans or celebration
throng (v.): crowd together in very large numbers
craftsmanship (n.): the skill of making things by hand
plague (n.): a widespread, deadly disease – often smallpox (天然痘)
halberd (n.): a long weapon that looks like a spear combined with an axe
province (n.): a part of a country (often smaller than a prefecture)
hot-headed (n.): easily angered or likely to act without thinking
deity (n.): god or goddess (usually of a religion that has many of them)
monastery (n.): a building where people live a religious life (often away from society)
all roads lead to Rome: phrase meaning ‘there are many ways that all achieve the same result’
in theory / in practice: how people think something is / how it actually is
palanquin (n.): something like a carriage for someone important, but carried by people
float (n.): a decorated ‘car’ used in parades
star of the show (n.) the most important or impressive person or thing in a particular event
purification ritual (n.): a ceremony to (spiritually) cleanse a place, person, or thing
stationary (adj.): not moving
procession (n.): similar to a parade, but usually slower and related to a religion
jump on the bandwagon: start doing what is popular / many other people already do
whatever floats your boat: do whatever you like

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