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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week12 (June 24-30 2024)

Topic: Shimane
 -take your head out of the clouds

Word Definitions
underappreciated (adj.): not given enough recognition or respect
brackish (adj.): (for water) saltier than usual river/lake water
lagoon (n.): shallow (not deep) ‘lake’ that is connected to (and gets salt from) the sea
boast (v.): be proud to have; talk with pride about
mythology (n.): legends and stories about gods or supernatural things
descend (from) (v.): be the child (or the child of the child of the child…) of
formations (n.): geographical features like coasts, lagoons, mountains, etc.
deity (n.): god/goddess (usually of religion with many gods)
stake (n.): a pointy piece of wood used like a large nail
regalia (n.): items symbolizing the power of a king/queen/emperor/empress
legend has it that…: according to legend
prosperity (n.): wealth and success
conflict (n.): fights; battles; wars
designate (v.): give a particular role, function, or title to someone/something
geopark (n.): an area of great geological importance
sleep on [something] (v.): not appreciate / realize how good it is; think carefully before deciding on it
sleeper train (n.): a train with beds for sleeping while travelling

Introducing Japan一覧