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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week11 (June 17-23 2024)

The Boom
 -Japan’s trend-chasing culture (not the rock band)

Word definitions
fad (n.): a short-lived trend
vogue (n.): a fashion or style popular during a specific period of time
isolationist (adj.): choosing not to have many/any connections to other countries
do [one’s] own thing: act or behave independently/differently from others
controversial (adj.): causing a lot of criticism or disagreement
pager (n.): small device for sending and receiving simple messages
crop top (n.): a shirt that doesn’t cover the area around the belly (the midriff)
trend-chaser (n.): someone who actively follows the latest trends
factor (n.): part of the reasons behind something
collectivism (n.): placing priority on the group/society (opposite of individualism)
keep up with (v.): having the same pace/staying as informed as others
limited edition (adj.): a product produced in limited quantity
seemingly (adv.): apparently, from what can be seen
commercialized (adj.): made popular / existing mainly to make money
the flavour of the month: the current fad or trend (that will probably not last long)

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