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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week4 (April 22-28 2024)

Topic: Nishiki Market
 -What’s cooking in Kyoto’s Kitchen?

Word Definitions
southeasternmost (adj.): the farthest south and east
all kinds of: many different types of
groundwater (n.): water located beneath the earth's surface in soil or rock
wholesaler (n.): a business that sells goods to shops that then sell to consumers
freshwater (adj.): of or found in non-salty water (found in lakes, rivers, etc.)
so-called: called using this title or nickname
retail (n.): the sale of goods to consumers (as opposed to wholesale)
[be] big on [something]:  treat it as important; be really into it
eye-catching (adj.): attracting attention
skewer (n.): a long, thin stick with food on it (usually wooden or metallic)
quail (n.): a type of bird that isn’t good at flying (uzura)
pottery (n.): objects made from baked clay, such as bowls, plates, and vases
utensil (n.): tool used for eating or cooking, such as a fork, spoon, or knife
top the list (v.): be the most important, successful, or well-performing in a group
travel well: able to endure travel without getting damaged or going bad
rich in [something]: having a large amount of something good (vitamins, calcium, etc.)
the hottest thing on the market: in high demand and selling very well

Introducing Japan一覧