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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week36 (December 22-28 2023)

Topic: Nemuro peninsula
 -As far east as it goes… or is it?

[Word Definitions]
just around the corner: going to happen very soon
get to [do something]: have the opportunity to do it; be glad to be able to do it
keep in mind: don’t forget that…; pay attention to the fact that…
easternmost (adj.): the furthest east
latitude (n.): how far north or south a place is on Earth
in the way: blocking, not allowing through
equator (n.): the line separating the north and south hemispheres (halves of the Earth)
make do (with/without): manage/go on with what is available/with a non-ideal situation
as is: without changing or adding anything
lean (adj.): having little or no fat (usually used for meat)
sleepy (place) (adj.): quiet, without much activity
sleep on it: (idiom) consider for a long time (at least overnight);
underestimate/overlook something or someone (this is a modern variation)

Introducing Japan一覧