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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week33 (December 1-7 2023)

Topic: Oden  
-“Yeah, I can only recognize the boiled eggs”

[Word definitions]
chillier (adj.): comparative form of
chilly, meaning cold (for weather)
craving (n.): a strong desire for something (often food or drink)
simmer (v.): gently cook something in liquid; heat a liquid at a lower temperature than a boil
vat (n.): a large container for liquids
fermented (adj.): changed/transformed by bacteria over time
evolve (v.): change/improve over time
batch (n.): an amount of food cooked all at once (e.g. an oven tray full of cookies)
cake (n.): food made by forming (and often cooking) some kind of paste into a shape (e.g. rice cake, fishcakes – nerimono, wheat gluten cake – nama-fu)
connoisseur (n.): an expert in something, who understands the details (often for food, drinks, or art)
tendon (n.): a tough part of the body that connects muscles to bones
retain (v.): keep, maintain
stand out (v.): be easily noticeable
thick (adj.): for liquids: run slowly (like honey)
simmer down (v.): calm down (after being excited or angry)

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