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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week17 (August 1-7 2023)

Topic: Fruit in Japan
 -When the cherries on top cost more than the cake

Word definitions
retail (adj.): relating to selling goods to consumers (wholesale is selling to shops)
exorbitant (adj.): excessively high
reposition (v.): change the position or placement of something
produce (n.): fresh fruits and vegetables
blemish (n.): a spot or imperfection
fussy (adj.): picky about details or preferences
perceive (v.): regard or have a particular kind of understanding of something
equivalent (adj.): equal in value, function, or meaning
edible (adj.): safe/suitable for eating
majority (n.): the greater part of something
cultivate (v.): grow fruit or vegetables
a.k.a.: also known as (used to introduce a similar word, name, or title)
cultivar (n.): a cultivated variety of a plant (often to improve a specific trait in it)
greenhouse (n.): a glass or plastic building designed to grow plants in
bear fruit (v.): produce (positive) results

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