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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week5 (May 4-10 2023)

This week's topic is: The Way Mom Made It
-Nostalgia, Comfort, but also Pressure

[Word definitions]
gush (v.): to speak or express something with enthusiasm or excitement. deeply rooted (adj.): having a strong or firm foundation, deeply ingrained or established.
upbringing (n.): the way a person is raised or brought up
domestic skills (n.): the ability to manage household tasks and responsibilities
dedication (n.): the act of being committed to a particular task, cause, or person.
(noun)-to-be (n.): a person who will become the (noun) in the future (e.g. wife-to-be, mother-to-be).
rural (n.): relating to the countryside or areas that are far from urban centers.
varied (v.): diverse or different in character, form, or appearance.
clear-cut (adj.): clearly defined or well-established.
evolve (v.): change or develop over time.
accordingly (adv.): in a way that is appropriate or suitable to the situation or circumstances.
come down to (v.) to be ultimately determined by or based on a particular thing.
dual income household (n.) a household where both partners have income from work or other sources.
out of (noun) (adj.) indicating the origin or source of something (e.g. out of necessity, out of choice).

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