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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week47 (March 18-24 2023)

This week's topic is: Geisha, Maiko, and Oiran 
 -Part II: Different looks, different ways

[Word definitions]
distinguish (v.): understand the difference between …
apprentice (n.): someone working and training under someone experiencedsave for: except for
overly (adv.): extremely, done too much
retinue (n.): a group of people following and supporting an important person
prostitute (n.): someone who accepts payment for sexual services
gaudy (adj.): extremely bright and showy
flashy (adj.): colourful or easily noticed; standing out
dialect (n.): a way of speaking a language in a specific area or group
refined (adj.): elegant and cultured
humble (adj.): modest
center of attention (n.): the person or thing that everyone notices/focuses on
a fortune (adj.): a very big amount of money

Introducing Japan一覧