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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Introducing Japan Week1 (April 1-7 2022)

This week's topic is: Rice

nothing says A like B: B represents A really well; paddy (n.): rice field; unprocessed rice plant
staple (n. / adj.): main, important (often used for food)
cultivation (n.): growing of plants (by humans)
grain (n.): cereal grown as food (rice, wheat, barley, etc.)
millet (n.): a type of grain (Japanese awa, kibi, and hie are all subtypes of millet)
turning point (n.): a point in time that marks (the start of) a big change.; before long: soon, in the near future
commoner (n.): a low or middle class/caste person (not a noble or aristocrat)
malnutrition (n.): lack of important vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients; (be) meant for: intended for; to be used by
subspecies (n.): a smaller category inside a bigger one (for living things)
carbs (n.): carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, etc.), starchy foods
dairy products (n.): milk-based products (yogurt, cheese, cream, etc.)
make a comeback: become successful after a failure/loss of popularity

Introducing Japan一覧