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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Easy Business Week45 (March 4-10 2025)

Topic: Compliments and criticism
Lesson: Giving feedback in the workplace

Last week we looked at “constructive criticism”, which is advice or recommendations that will help someone improve. This week we are going to look at using constructive criticism to give feedback to your coworkers.

Part 1: Giving feedback in the workplace
Read some comments with your partner. Some of the comments are too strong or too casual, so change them so you can say them in a business situation.

Part 2: Performance reviews
Every spring, the managers at your company discuss staff performance before deciding salary amounts for the next year. Individual results, motivation, attitude, and personal growth are all considered before making decisions. But the company is small and everyone knows each other, so it’s important to be both professional and kind when discussing staff matters. Discuss the lists of performance points for each staff member and make decisions about raises.


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