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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Easy Business Week20 (August 25-31 2024)

Topic: Meeting & Discussions
Lesson: Checking and confirming information

This week we are looking at how to politely and professionally agree and disagree, and how to ask questions to confirm your understanding.

Part 1: Agreeing and disagreeing
Let's look at different ways to agree or disagree.

Part 2A: Checking information
On the phone, during a meeting, or in a conversation we sometimes are not sure what another person said. There are a number of ways to quickly check information. One technique is to ask someone to repeat what they said. Another technique is to say what you think the person said and check that this information is correct. One more technique is to clarify the other person’s expectations.

Part 2B: Confirming by rephrasing
You can confirm that your understanding of what someone has said is correct by rephrasing what the person said. This gives you the chance to avoid errors by letting the other person correct you if necessary, or by giving the other person a chance to add details.


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