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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Easy Business Week19 (August 18-24 2024)

Topic: Meeting & Discussions
Lesson: Agreeing and Disagreeing

This week we are looking at how to safely and professionally agree and disagree in meetings.

Part 1: What would you say?
In meetings or discussions, you need to be able to agree and disagree, even if it’s just to show some participation. There are many ways to agree or disagree with people including using strong or diplomatic language, along with adverbs that increase or decrease the strength of the agreement or disagreement.

Part 2A: Giving opinions and making suggestions
- Giving your opinions
- Introducing your ideas
- Asking for opinions

Part 2B: Short conversation practice
Choose different ideas to discuss. With your partners, practice giving your opinion, making suggestions, agreeing and disagreeing.

Part 3: Discussion practice
You and your classmates work together at the same company. The teacher is chairing a meeting about an upcoming company event. Discuss this event as a class: share your opinions, suggestions, and agree or disagree.

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