Talk 基礎 “Hear”and “Listen to” Talk 初級 The topic for this week is: Home 1. What is your dream house? 2. What do …more
Talk 基礎 “Say” “Tell” “Talk” “Speak” Talk 初級 The topic for this week is: School – What school subject1 did (or …more
Talk 基礎 “Look”, “See” and “Watch” Talk 初級 The topic for this week is: Memory – What is one of the happiest mem …more
Talk 基礎 “Make” Talk 初級 The topic for this week is: Recommendations – What sightseeing location do you recommen …more
Talk 基礎 “Come” “Go” “Bring” “Take” Talk 初級 The topic for this week is: What if? – If you could have any job, w …more
Talk 基礎 “Have” and “Get” and “Do” Talk 初級 The topic for this week is: Japan – What do you love most about Japa …more