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075-275-5985 受付時間:10:00-21:00 (曜日により異なります)



2024-06-10 Karaoke party

Last night was the EB staff's karaoke party, and it was a blast! Twelve desk staff and teachers attended, and we sang a wide selection of songs—Japanese songs, English songs, and even one Brazilian song. We covered pop, country music, danceable songs, mellow songs, Showa classics, anime themes, and many more.
I really enjoyed everyone's singing and dancing! I loved the English songs, some of which I'd heard before but never really paid attention to the lyrics. I was surprised that the E-teachers knew some Japanese songs that the J-teachers and staff didn't know!It was so fun!

I couldn't believe how quickly three hours had passed. Karaoke with the team was great!