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2023-10-21 Trouble With Audiobooks

Recently I’ve been listening to Agatha Christie audiobooks before bed. Some nights I doze off within five minutes, but other nights the story is so thrilling that I lay wide awake for hours. Often I fall asleep while the audiobook continues to play and I have strange dreams about mustached men in trench coats and bowler hats. Then I wake up several hours later at the exact moment the murderer is being revealed in the story. Maybe it’s just very unfortunate timing, or maybe it’s because the narrator raises their voice for dramatic effect and startles me out of sleep. “It was the Butler! I saw him shoot Mrs. Gibbons with my very own eyes!” 

Rats, I always think. There goes another Agatha Christie book I can’t finish. What’s the point when I already know the ending! So now I try really hard to pause the book before falling asleep but I’m not always successful. According to the internet, Agatha wrote 66 novels and 14 short story collections. So as long as I don’t keep falling asleep and ruining the story for myself, I should have enough mystery material to last the year. 

You might discover that listening to audiobooks is a good way to learn English! (If you can stay awake).