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2023-04-27 1/3 of our lives

Have you been sleeping well lately?

It goes without saying that sleep is important  not only for physical and mental health but also English improvement. Sleeping reinforces our memory and it helps us retain information about a vocabulary better.
But sometimes I have trouble getting to sleep, especially when I'm overthinking about a matter or after transitioning from a hectic day to a relaxing night.

When such days happen, I tend to rely on my stretch pole.
When the gears of my mind can't stop turning, I get out of bed and lie on my back on my stretch pole, letting my body roll to the left and right with the stretch pole. After a while, my back loosens up,which helps me fall asleep easily.
At times, I move my arms up and down while lying on my back on the stretch pole.It increases the flexibility of the muscles around my shoulder blades,which allows for deeper breathing.
When you don't have a stretch pole on hand, you can use two rolled-up bath towels as a substitute.
(One towel might not be thick enough.)

Good sleep is one of the keys to restore energy and stamina, which makes our body and mind more effective in terms of learning English.
Please take good care of yourselves, and enjoy the small victories(good sleep)and pleasures of learning English😊