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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Easy Business Week24 (September 24-30 2024)

Topic: Cultural differences
Lesson: Comparing company cultures

This week we are looking at cultural differences in the workplace. It’s a good idea to be a little familiar with the corporate cultures in different countries so you are prepared. This will help you make less mistakes and also give advice to people coming to your office from overseas or when foreign staff visit your company.

Part 1: Business culture in Japan
The business cultures of Japan and the West are often viewed as very different, but how different are they?

Part 2: Discussing different business cultures
There are some patterns to discuss business culture in a country. Those patterns are not limited to countries; some can also be used to describe office culture as many companies can be different.

Part 3: Orientation for foreign interns
You work for a large Japanese electronics manufacturer. Your company has an annual summer internship program for international college students from China, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Each student is interested in working in Japan after graduating, but most of them have no experience with Japanese culture or business manners.

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