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Lesson Materials / 予習復習


予習:Easy Business Week23 (September 17-23 2024)

Topic: Human Resources (HR)
Lesson: Assigning responsibilities

This week we are looking at assigning responsibilities to people and the reasons why we may choose a particular person for a position or task.

Part 1: Assigning responsibilities
Using the correct words when assigning responsibilities is important, and small changes in word choice can give a slightly different nuance. There are some sentences with blank spaces. Put the appropreate words into the examples below. Words can be used more than once.

Part 2: Considering reasons
There are always factors to consider when assigning responsibilities, but which factors are the most important? With your partner or group, discuss the list of commonly used factors. Number them from most important (1) to least important (9). Be prepared to explain your choices.

Part 3: Promotion
You are in charge of staffing decisions at a large company in Kyoto. The current marketing manager will be leaving the company in two months, and you need to find a replacement for her. Three current members of staff are being considered for the position. Discuss the candidates and decide which person should get the position.

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